Basic InformationName of Project: UniswapTicker: UNIAboutUniswap is a decentralised exchange in the form of two smart contracts hosted on the Ethereum
Wing (WING)
Basic InformationName of Project: WingTicker: WINGAboutWing has designed and is building a DeFi platform dedicated to the digital asset lending market
Frontier (FRONT)
Basic InformationName of Project: FrontierTicker: FRONTAboutFrontier is a chain-agnostic DeFi aggregation layer. To date, Frontier have added support
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)
Basic InformationName of Project: Wrapped BitcoinTicker: WBTCAboutWBTC brings greater liquidity to the Ethereum ecosystem including decentralized exch
Augur (REP)
Basic InformationName of Project: AugurTicker: REPAboutAugur is a trustless, decentralized oracle and platform for prediction markets. The outcomes of
Melon (MLN)
Basic InformationName of Project: MelonTicker: MLNAboutMelon is an Ethereum-based protocol for decentralized on-chain asset management. It is a protoc
Numeraire (NMR)
Basic InformationName of Project: NumeraireTicker: NMRAboutNumerai proposes Numeraire, a new cryptographic token that can be used in a novel auction m
Bounce Token (BOT)
Basic InformationName of Project: Bounce TokenTicker: BOTAboutBounce's goal is to offer different types of auctions for individuals and projects. BOT